Our Courses

© 2021 - Shenzhou University of TCM

Study Information


Educational Requirements

  • HAVO or VWO diploma and agreement to follow the Foundations of Western Medicine (HBO-level) course.
  • Physiotherapists and other therapists.

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Academic Year and Length of the Program

As a rule, the academic year starts in September and finishes end of June the following year. For some courses however, the starting date is different. A course schedule is enclosed with the study guide or will be sent to you upon request. The length of the program can be found at the course description.

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Exams information

There is a written and/or an oral examination at the end of every study year. A sufficient score of 60 percent for the practical and for the theoretical parts each is needed for promotion to a further year.

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Educational Structure

Our 1 year training course Foundations of Chinese Medicine provides the fundamental knowledge for further study in Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine and Tuina. The Western Medicine education can be followed before or parallel to the TCM courses.

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Complaints rules

This complaints procedure applies to all courses and refresher courses of Shenzhou Open University of TCM (SOU). Registration of the complaints and method of handling will be registered according to the determined retention period. 

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Payments and Refunds

Students who are admitted to the courses receive an invoice. The tuition and registration cost must be paid before the start of the courses. Partial payment is NOT possible. Cancellation of a registration by the student should be done in writing. Cancellation up to 30 days before the course starts: no cancellation cost.

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