Our Courses

© 2021 - Shenzhou University of TCM


External apprenticeships

Students of Shenzhou Open University can also choose to do a part of their apprenticeship with external TCM practitioners who have been accredited by Shenzhou Open University. Go to the map >

International apprenticeships

Students can opt to do a part of their internships at clinics abroad at clinics which are approved by the WHO (World Health Organization).
Prior permission from the study coordinators is required.

Chinese internships

Students of Shenzhou Open University can increase their knowledge and skills by means of practical training in China at universities in China which are recognized as Traditional Medical Training Centers by WHO (World Health Organization). Clinical apprenticeship hours and duration must be stated on a certificate from the relevant institute. Pre-arrangement with the study coordinators are mandatory before you book the trip. Apprenticeship abroad will be recognized up to 50% of the total  mandatory apprenticeship hours.