Our Courses

© 2021 - Shenzhou University of TCM

Privacy declaration

Shenzhou Open University of TCM is part of CMC Tasly Group, located at Geldersekade 67, 1011 EK Amsterdam. CMC Tasly Group is responsible for the processing of your personal data. In this statement you can read what Shenzhou Open University of TCM does with this personal data.

Shenzhou Open University of TCM processes your personal data in order to properly perform its legal and educational tasks. We may also need (extra) information from you for internships, extra guidance, study trips or other services. You have the right to us to handle your personal data carefully and confidentially. This is legally regulated in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The information of the partners with whom we work (digitally) is also protected and complies with the rules of the GDPR and is regulated through so-called “processor agreements”.

We take the protection of your data seriously. We take appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized modification.


Why do we process your data?

We collect and register data via our web forms for your registration as a student at Shenzhou Open University of TCM, also for guidance during your studies, to monitor your study progress and to ultimately demonstrate, with your data, that you can graduate. Shenzhou Open University of TCM must also process your personal data and study progress data, because Shenzhou Open University of TCM must account for accreditations and the results achieved by students.

How do we get your data?

First of all, we receive your data when you register via our digital or paper registration forms. In addition, you also provide personal data to Shenzhou Open University of TCM, because we need it for your training and guidance as a student.

When information from you is required for services that are not covered by a legal obligation or our teaching task, we ask for your permission to obtain and use your data. We will then explain why those data are necessary and with whom we may share your data. You are advised that in such a case you are not obliged to provide your data. You can always withdraw your consent. You can read more about this under the heading “What are your rights?”

Which data do we process?

We process your contact details. This concerns your name, address, place of residence, date of birth, email address and phone number. In addition, for the production of the diploma you will also need: your place of birth, full first names and maiden name. For the assessment of whether you can be admitted to the program, we also ask for previous diplomas or an EVC report (PAC, previously acquired competences). In the context of your studies, we also process data such as scores, grades, assessments, feedback given to you, exams taken, papers and reports submitted, the thesis, lists of marks and diplomas. We also process a passport photo for the production of a so-called “face book” so that teachers get to know you by name and can check your attendance.

Because we have to keep track of the attendance in the lessons, we ask for the reasons for the absence when reporting sick or absenteeism. Because these data are important to assess whether you qualify for dispensation or compensation for missed lessons, we keep correspondence about this in your file during the time that you study at Shenzhou. After that, these data will be destroyed.

How long do we keep your data?

As an educational institution, we have an obligation to retain personal, exam and diploma data of students in accordance with the Archives Act. We keep the mandatory data even after the term of your study. For example, we keep exams taken for 5 years after certification. Diploma data issued will be kept for at least 30 years. This allows a student to request a copy of the diploma if it has been lost or has become unusable.

Share with others

We only provide your data to other organizations if this is necessary to comply with a legal task or our educational task. We conclude a processor agreement with organizations that process your data on our behalf. This is to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of your data. We remain responsible for this use of your personal data.

Specific processing

Shenzhou Open University of TCM uses applications for the processing of personal data. The processing of personal data in these applications takes place according to the requirements of the GDPR and according to the provisions of the processor agreements concluded, if necessary. For some of these applications and the studies, we inform you specifically about the privacy aspects below.

Filemaker’s “learning management system” (LMS) is GDPR compliant. This means that the design of the authorizations (who has access to the system) is set up on the basis of the rules of the GDPR.

For optimal use of Filemaker as LMS, progress reports are kept for the teacher about the study results of a group or student that is being supervised. A class list (list of names) is available for the teacher from Filemaker via the study coordinators. These data are accessible to the study coordinators of your study program.

In addition, Shenzhou Open University of TCM uses your personal data for a number of specific purposes that are in your interest and also for the study program to further improve education. These specific processing operations are:

Evaluations: During your study program and once after graduation, you can be approached to fill in a non-binding questionnaire with the aim of evaluating the study programs offered by Shenzhou Open University. These surveys are processed anonymously by us via the functionality “google forms”. Click here for Google’s privacy policy.

Alumni network: When you have graduated, Shenzhou Open University of TCM uses your personal data to inform you now and then via a Newsletter about interesting developments in your field, network meetings, seminars, etc. using the Mail-chimp program. Since this is in your interest and this is not a further adverse invasion of your privacy, we use the e-mail address provided by you. If you do not want Shenzhou Open University of TCM to keep in touch with you, as alumni, you can inform the study coordinators via: info@shenzhou-university.com.

If you have any further questions about these applications and surveys, please contact the coordinators at: info@shenzhou-university.com.

What are your rights?

You can invoke the following Privacy Rights.

Right to access data

You can ask us to inspect your personal data. You can receive a statement of which of your personal data Shenzhou Open University of TCM processes without giving a reason. In this way it must be clear to you where the data comes from and with whom we possibly share or have shared the data. You can only request information about yourself, not about others. This is only possible if you can demonstrate that you are requesting data on behalf of someone and / or have obtained permission for this.

Right to adjust, supplement, limit, transfer or delete the data

Are the correct personal data not registered or is it incomplete? Then we can adjust, supplement or delete data at your request. This is not always possible. For example, if legal proceedings are ongoing in which those data are important, or when there is a legal obligation to retain.

Withdrawing your consent

If you have given us permission to process your personal data, you can also withdraw this permission. You do this by sending an email to: info@shenzhou-university.com with the statement: “Withdrawal of permission for the use of personal data”.

Objection to data processing

You can object to the processing of your personal data. You can then ask us to stop using your personal data. This is not always possible. In such a case, you must be able to demonstrate that the processing can have adverse consequences for you.

How do you do this?

If you want to invoke one or more of your privacy rights, the following applies:

  • You can submit a request by post.
  • You must identify yourself at the reception of Shenzhou Open University of TCM.

We will process your request within 1 month. Is your application complex? Then we have an extra two months for this.

Objection and appeal

If your request is not or partially granted, it will always be explained why this is the case. You are entitled to have this recorded in a decision. You can lodge an objection against this with the controller. This is the board of Shenzhou Open University of TCM. The decision describes how to do this.

To file a complaint

Are you not satisfied with the actions of Shenzhou Open University of TCM in dealing with your privacy or processing your personal data? Or do you think Shenzhou Open University of TCM has incorrectly processed your personal data? Then you can submit a complaint to the Open University via the email address: info@shenzhou-university.com.

If we cannot resolve it together, you can go to court. You can read more about this in the handling of your complaint. In addition, you can always submit a complaint to the supervisory authority, the Dutch Data Protection Authority, if you believe that your rights have been violated. You can read more about this on the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP), under “Complaint about use of personal data”.

Your website visit

So-called cookies are placed when you visit our website. We use technical cookies, functional cookies and analytical cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone when you first visit this website.

The cookies we use are necessary for the technical operation of the website and your ease of use. They ensure that the website works properly and, for example, remember your preferred settings. Cookies also keep track of your surfing behaviour and preferences. This allows us to improve our services to you. Still, you can choose to opt out of cookies by setting your internet browser so that it no longer stores cookies. In addition, you can also delete all information previously saved via your browser settings.

More information

Do you have questions about privacy? Please contact the Study Coordinators at the email address: info@shenzhou-university.com.

For general information about privacy, please visit the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP).