Our Courses

© 2021 - Shenzhou University of TCM

Exams information


  • Includes written exam, oral examination, practical exam during and/or at the end of every study year. A sufficient score of 60 percent for the practical and for the theoretical parts each is needed for promotion to a further year. Except for the practical exam of Acupuncture-1, the minimum score is 80% to pass.
  • In the clinic, the student is tested during apprenticeship on criteria that are considered relevant to the practice of TCM.
  • When there is one theoretical examination, the following rules apply:The student is once eligible for the theoretical exam.

    Then there are two recaptures possible after the original exam. Shenzhou Open University sets 3 exam periods per year, in June / July, September and February. There are no extra costs for making the first exam, or the first re-exam. For second re-exams, exam fees of €100,- will be charged. Individual appointments outside of the stipulated exam data are not possible.

  • Shenzhou Open University can refuse to accept students who failed trice any exam for further studies.

Cum Laude

Cum Laude is granted to students of Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine or Tuina course who have a score of 8.5 or higher and NO exam below 8.0, AND finished Foundations of Western Medicine course, if necessary. The average is calculated over the results of the Foundations of TCM and the results per year of the course of choice, divided by the subsequent number of years. Students who failed once or more, will not be granted Cum Laude status even though the final average score is 8.5 or higher.