Our Courses

© 2021 - Shenzhou University of TCM

Siti Sukrisno

1) 1976, Graduated as Medical Doctor at Chiangxi Medical University in China;

2) 1977 – 1978 work as Medical Doctor in provincial hospital in Chiangxi, China;

3) 1988, take advance course at the Academy of TCM in Beijing, for diploma acupuncture;

4)  1990, Graduated as Medical Doctor at the Free University in Amsterdam;

5) 1991 – 2003 work as Medical Doctor (Western Doctor) in Netherland;

6)2004 – 2005 take course of acupuncture study by de NAAV*, (SNO**), for C-diploma;

7) 2005 – 2018, member of the NAAV;

8) 2005 – 2019, work as acupuncturist and tutor for the student during the apprenticeship at Shenzhou  University, Chinese Medical Centre;

9) 2008 – 2023, BIG registered*** as Medical Doctor Professional.