Our Courses

© 2021 - Shenzhou University of TCM

Education in Traditional Chinese Medicine

As one of the SNRO-accredited institutes for Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Netherlands, we offer a unique curriculum in education in Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Tuina. Our more than 30 years of expertise in these programs brings Shenzhou Open University a remarkable reputation in this area, where both the school and its graduates can be proud of.


We also regularly organize TCM seminars and MBK refresher courses. We hope to be able to offer you a good choice with this season’s offer.

Our TCM Training Program

We offer a complete package with practical training, so that you can register as a therapist at a professional association and start your own clinic after completing the study.

Foundations of Chinese Medicine

1 year

During this course students are taught the basic concepts of traditional Chinese medicine and are introduced to Chinese philosophy which forms the cornerstones of TCM. This part of your studies is the necessary foundation to be able to study further, specializing in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine or Tuina.

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2 years

During this course students are taught the basic concepts of traditional Chinese medicine and are introduced to Chinese philosophy which forms the cornerstones of TCM. This part of your studies is the necessary foundation to be able to study further, specializing in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine or Tuina.

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Chinese Herbal Medicine

2 years

The herbal medicine class introduces students in the knowledge of Chinese herbs and trains them to run a practice independently as well as to work safely, competently and effectively.

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2 years

During this course students are taught different techniques and applications of Tuina massage. This ancient technique of manipulation, originating in China, is applicable to treating various diseases. A solid knowledge of meridians and acupoints is necessary. Tuina massage is suitable for all adults and works especially well for children.

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Foundations of Western Medicine

1 year

This intensive training in Western medicine is designed for anyone who is studying physically based complementary medicine in order to gain knowledge in anatomy, physiology and pathology at a professional level.

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More than 30 years of expertise


Internship in Shenzhou clinic

Very experienced teacher team

TCM Seminars

Shenzhou Open University of TCM frequently organizes TCM and Western Medicine seminars. With our program for this season, we hope to offer you a good choice.

13 September 2024

Lili Huang


Depression is one of the common mental disorders, afflicting an estimated 5% of the adults worldwide. It is characterized by persistent depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, recurrent thoughts of death, and physical and cognitive symptoms.
Depression consists of different forms and the current seminar will focus mostly on the major depressive disorder (MDD). It will present an overview on the prevalence, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and managements of depression. Importantly, the seminar will explore different treatment options of depression.

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26 September 2024

Toine Korthout


Fibromyalgia is a medical condition characterized by muscle pain and tender points distributed throughout the body, along with a range of other possible symptoms. Although the World Health Organization (WHO) has included fibromyalgia in its disease classification system, ICD-10, there is still no consensus on identifiable, objective physical abnormalities. Nonetheless, patients suffer from symptoms, and the diagnosis is made by excluding other diagnoses. During this interactive training day, we will focus on the symptoms experienced by patients, potential causes, and treatment options. Differential diagnostic considerations will also be discussed. Additionally, there will be an opportunity to share (both personal and professional) experiences among course participants.

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Tips for Choosing a TCM Course at Shenzhou University - study materials

5-6 October 2024

Fei Tan

TCM therapy of chronic common diseases

This 2-days workshop will introduce you the world of Constitution of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM constitution). In addition to the Chinese medicine theory, we will focus on the identification of TCM constitution and the application of various techniques in conditioning people of unbalanced constitutions in common diseases.

TCM Constitution refers to the comprehensive and relatively stable inherent characteristics of body structure, physiological function and mental state formed on the basis of innate endowment and acquired in the process of human life. People of different constitutions have different susceptibility to diseases, the targeted use of corresponding TCM therapies can achieve better curative effects.

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Seminar Cosmetic Acupuncture  at Shenzhou Open University of TCM

10 & 11 October, 2024

Inge Brodöhl

Cosmetic Acupuncture

This 2 day workshop will introduce you to the world of cosmetic acupuncture focusing on the theory and the practice.
Cosmetic acupuncture is a safe and interesting alternative to fillers and other popular, but invasive cosmetic treatments. It has TCM roots and uses a holistic approach to the topic of beauty.
The workshop is divided in two parts.The first day we will learn about the aging and regeneration processes of the skin from a Western medical point of view,including anatomical and physiological aspects explaining the function,aging and regeneration of the skin.

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2025 (exact date will be published soon)

Umberto Mazzanti

Upper limbs Musculoskeletal Pain – Mazzanti AcuOsteo method® – physiopathology and treatment by Acupuncture and Osteopathy

Musculoskeletal pain is one of the most frequent reasons for consultation in my own clinic.
In my experience, Acupuncture and Osteopathic medicine are two effective techniques and they are synergistic in treating pain.
Often pain is generically reported to a widespread area of a joint, together with some rigidity and it can be difficult to identify the Acupuncture Channel involved in a musculoskeletal pain.
Osteopathic manipulative treatment’s aim is to bring back joints in their physiological position, reduce pain and limitation of the movement, and help to identify the channel that needs to be treated with Acupuncture.

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Diagnosis and Seminar Treatment of various Skin Diseases

23+24 November 2024

Baifang Zhu

TCM Dermatology

The course consists of four main parts:
1. Overview of TCM dermatology:
Systematic introduction of Syndrome differentiation and treatment characteristics of skin Disorders
2. Diagnosis and treatments of common skin diseases
vitiligo, Herpes zoster, Herpes simplex and skin fungal infections
3. Diagnosis and treatment of difficult skin diseases
Erythroderma and Chronic Lower Leg Ulcers
4. Introduction of Topical TCM Remedies for Skin Disorders with Hands-on Practice

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Our full range of training courses are accredited by SNRO at HBO bachelor level with 240 ECs.
(incl. Basic Medical Knowledge 40 EC)

More information about SOU

With more than 30 years of teaching experience behind us, we have built an excellent reputation in our field, which the school and alumni can be proud of.

How many ECs does the program have?
On which days do I have lessons?
How big are the classes?