Onze Opleidingen

© 2021 - Shenzhou University of TCM

Lili Huang

Lili Huang graduated from Peking University Health Science Center with a Bachelor (2003) and Master degree (2005) in Clinical Medicine. She obtained her second Master degree in Cognitive Science at University of Amsterdam in 2008. Later she worked as a researcher in Donders Center for Cognition at Radboud University in Nijmegen and also assisted the teaching of the course ‘brain’ there. In 2015 she defended her thesis ‘The subiculum: a promising new target of deep brain stimulation for temporal lobe epilepsy’, and obtained her PhD degree in Neuroscience. Meanwhile she became interested in TCM and completed her TCM study at Shenzhou Open University. She is a member of NVA and currently practices TCM in Nijmegen. Since September 2018 she started teaching the foundations of Western medicine at Shenzhou.